LOG4j Vulnerability
Need to have the latest LOG4J hotfix for PEGA 8.5.1
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***
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Need to have the latest LOG4J hotfix for PEGA 8.5.1
Could you please check the Support Doc on Pega Security Advisory - Pega Platform Apache Log4j 2.17.1 Vulnerability Hotfixes ?
Please, could you also read through the Support Doc Pega Security Advisory - Apache Log4j 2.17 Vulnerability Hotfixes?
Dear @PoojaGadige
The below ZIP file contents sent by PEGA.
Should we apply all the below JAR's of the one related to PEGA 8.5.1 which is HFIX-82254
@amry8717 Hi , you will get reply from pega team anyways , my 2 cents is you should not unzip the hotfix folder and apply the jars independently, directly upload the hfix zip file from Pega hotfix wizard in devstudio , may be now it will be in Admin studio if you have access and continue the installation. Hfix wizard is self explanatory guided user navigation to install hotfixes.
@amry8717 Hi, Greetings. You need to use Hotfix Manager to install the DL file sent by Pega, this will install all dependent HFixes and supersede automatically any HFixes.
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