Local action being executed when the Flow action's allow when condition fails
1) Create a sample case type with one stage and one step.
2) Create a sample flow action and a sample optional local action from that assignment of the first flow of the case type.
3) Configure "Never" as the condition for the flow action to get executed.
4) Create a sample case so that the case stops as the first assignment.
5) On executing the task, the optional local action is executed instead of the flow action. (Since we have configured "Never", it is expected that the flow action is not to be executed. But, instead of showing an information message saying that the user cannot perform the flow action due to access restrictions, the system executes the optional local action)
6) Expectation is that the system should show an information message saying that the user does't have access to perform the flow action. ( Note: This happens when the assignment doesn't have an optional local action to perform. This is expected to be displayed even when the assignment has an optional local action.)
Is this the expected behavior? Do we have a configuration point to overcome this?
Let me know if i am missing something.
Thanks in advance.