
Last activity: 9 Jul 2024 4:53 EDT
Link on Login screen to collect information and submit to PEGA data table
Hi All,
We have a requirement to provide a link on login screen for unauthenticated users to provide some basic details which will be stored in a datatype so business admin can review the data. Has anyone implemented similar scenario? If so, please can you share your inputs on how to achieve this?
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Pegasystems Inc.
this can be achieved through mashup(Display harness) as unauthenticated user(Guest user).
Configure section in the harness with all the fields required, this can be stored in data type once user submits the form .

Pegasystems Inc.
@SathishKumarJ17003558 - Save as "Web-Login" HTML rule to application ruleset and customize to add a link on the screen. For link get the iframe url from the mashup code generated for that page. This will load the page on click.
Thank you.

@Priyanka Boga Thanks, I will try this and let you know this week.

@Priyanka BogaIs it possible to track Geolocation information when the user is submitting the form? This is to address any security threat of opening the form to unauthenticated users.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SathishKumarJ17003558 - Enable DSS "EnableGeoLocation" or set to true.
Whenever user login it gives pop up to allow location. Once user allows the latitude and longitude will be present in pxRequestor page.
Thank you.

Eclatprime Digital Private Limited
Priyanka quick check if u enable the dss this will be applicable to all the case types present and also entire application.
if the requirements is only for to collect this information for only specific access group people who logged into application will this still work.

Pegasystems Inc.
@BhanuPrasanthT - It will apply for launch of any portal even dev studio for all users once it is logged in. This is not specific to case types for case types we have settings at case level.
Thank you.

@Priyanka Boga I tried creating a data class, harness and section under the data class. Section is configured to collect few fields and a submit button that would save the page to the data type. Generated the mashup code to "Display a page" using this data class and harness. In Login page, when we click on "SignUp" Link, it is not loading the data class section. Instead, it redirects to the login screen.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SathishKumarJ17003558 - Probably the browser requestor type access group is not holding the permissions of the data class. Verify the access role linked up with that access group.
Thank you.