Link-Attachments Archived Instances retrieval
We want to use the Purge/Archive process provided by PEGA.
We have achieved to archive and purge instances from a Case hierarchy with Parent cases/Child cases and its attachments.
We are able to retrieve the Top case instances and its child case instances by using the ootb activity pxRetrieveSearchData but we need to know how to retrieve from the zip archived file in S3 repository, the Link-Attachment instances associated with the archived top case or child cases.
We are using for this purpose the ootb pxRetrieveSearchData activity by configuring the parameters as follows:
But we get an error when executing the pxRetrieveSearchData ootb activity. Therefore we can retrieve form the S3 repository zip archive file the work object instances but we are unable to get their link-attachment instances.
Could you please let me know how to retrieve archived Link-Attachment, Data-WorkAttach instances from S3 repository?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***