Layer cake usability
Conceptually what are all the things comes under Layer Cake? When a new application is building on top of PegRULES, layer cake means defining 1. application layers (enterprise/Org layer, FW layer & Implementation layer) and inheritance, 2. Class definitions & inheritance, 3. rule set stack by each layer, 4. rules segragation by class & rule sets, use seperate ruleset(s) for modularity of application (also deployment, reuse and future extensions).
Apart from these what are other things comes under layer cake?
Also is it mandatory to create framework layer always? Instead, create Org enterprise layer --> Implementation layer1. In future, another application can be created on top of existing Impl Layer1 to reuse it based on future application requirements. If FW layer is needed always, what is the significance of it when Impl Layer1 is fulfilling those needs.
Appreciate your feedback and thoughts.