
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Last activity: 27 Apr 2021 9:13 EDT
Launch a case of Smart Dispute application(7.48) from a different Pega application(8.5.3 - Cosmos)
Hello everyone,
Below is our requirement:
Our Pega Application need to interact with Pega Smart Dispute (7.48) FW. Our application and the Pega Smart Dispute, both of them exist in the same server.
Interaction would be to,
1. Create, update, inquire the cases in the Smart Dispute application.
2. Launch the Smart Dispute case from our Pega app in a new tab/window, so that the users can work on the manual assignments.
We have been able to achieve the first requirement with the help of Pega APIs - Create Case, Update case, Inquire case without issues.
We have few issues with implementing second requirement:
1. We used 'Open URL in new Window' on click of a button to launch the Smart Dispute case in new window. This launches the Smart Dispute in same STANDARD thread. When the user clicks on the primary assignment, the user is able to process the case without any issue. If they click on any other child case or refresh button, the case is opened on the Parent window. -- We want to open the Smart Dispute in a different thread, but seems there is an known limitation with the 'Open URL in new window' method - in which we can launch the pega applications only in the same STANDARD thread.
Has anyone implemented similar solution, even with different Pega applications. How have you guys achieved this.
Thanks & Regards,