
ING Belgium SA NV
ING Belgium SA NV
ING Belgium SA NV
Posted: Apr 9, 2018
Last activity: Apr 19, 2018
Last activity: 19 Apr 2018 6:00 EDT
Solved peer not authenticated
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Hi Team
Getting the exception " peer not authenticated" when trying to invoke rest connector using trust store and key store.
Issue background : we are facing issue with existing Rest connector which was working fine earlier. All of sudden, connector is not able to access the external application URL.
We checked with external application if they do any changes on their side. Unfortunately, there is no change from external application team,WAS/INFRA team and network team as well.
Issue background : we are facing issue with existing Rest connector which was working fine earlier. All of sudden, connector is not able to access the external application URL.
We checked with external application if they do any changes on their side. Unfortunately, there is no change from external application team,WAS/INFRA team and network team as well.
Steps to Reproduce
1.test the existing rest connector which was working fine earlier
2.getting the error when service hit occured ""
2.getting the error when service hit occured ""
Error Message
Caught unhandled exception: peer not authenticated
We tried changing TLS version to 1.2 which is not working fine
tried giving linux server path of instead of local file path in keystore which is also not working
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