
Last activity: 13 Apr 2020 9:22 EDT
Issue with Proposition Filter in pega 8.3.2
We have upgraded to Pega 8.3.2 version and can see a difference in the way we were seeing the results when we unit test of proposition filters by enabling "Explain results".
The result tab in the strategy showing the result in the “Store explanation in” property which is at the strategy level not at the component within the strategy that is mapped as the eligibility.
As we have multiple rules built within the same strategy and mapped as the eligibility rules, the unit testing will take more time to identify exactly which particular rule is failing as the explanation property won’t have the ID or the strategy component name in it. In the previous versions of Pega we were able to see exactly which rule is failing(the strategy component
Anyone faced this issue or is there any hotfix available to expose the component name in the explanation component?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update SR Details***