
areteans technology solutions pvt ltd
Last activity: 7 Jan 2020 8:31 EST
Internal server error on pega integration robotics
Hi Team,
following errror getting when robotics connect with pega.
Hi Team,
following errror getting when robotics connect with pega.
| Safe invoke control: created new control - 721366
Warning | 09:52:19.508 PM | 1 | STA | Manifest | | | Could not copy manifest file to configuration directory due to manifest file was not found at path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Pegasystems\Pega Robot Studio\DesktopAnalyticsConfig.xml'.
Warning | 09:52:19.508 PM | 1 | STA | Manifest | | | Configuration manifest file 'C:\ProgramData\Pegasystems\DesktopAnalyticsConfig.xml' does not exist.
Info | 09:52:19.512 PM | 1 | STA | Runtime Application | | | Runtime external shutdown support was activated via the command line
Info | 09:52:19.521 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsApiHelper.RegisterRobot - Robot registration started. Robot Name: 'RPASERVER', Workgroup: 'RPARobot', Authentication Mode: 'Basic'.
Info | 09:52:20.203 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsApiHelper.RegisterRobot - Robot registration succeeded.
Error | 09:52:20.218 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsApiHelper.GetRobotProfile - Get robot profile failed. Robot Name: 'RPASERVER', Status Code: 'InternalServerError'.
Error | 09:52:20.219 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | Error requesting data from Pega. http:// Proprietary information hidden:1080/prweb/api/v1/data/D_pxRobotProfile
Error | 09:52:20.220 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | Code: InternalServerError(500), Content:
Error | 09:52:20.220 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsService.RegisterRobot - Unable to acquire robot profile.
Info | 09:52:20.226 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsApiHelper.RobotSignOff - Robot sign off started. Robot name: 'RPASERVER'.
Info | 09:52:20.463 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RoboticsApiHelper.RobotSignOff - Robot sign off succeeded.
Error | 09:52:20.463 PM | 1 | STA | Robotics | | | RPA mode is enabled, but robot failed to register. Runtime will shutdown.