
Last activity: 11 Oct 2018 11:40 EDT
Information on clipboard pages
We need information on below questions. Please help us understand on that.
1) When Data pages are run, the data page result will be available (Node/Requesteor/Thread), so where the out put is available. Is it in any specific table/JVM memory. If it is table, please provide the table details. If it is JVM, how can we see the content of the same.
2) In cluster setup, every node has its own rule cache. In which back end table it contains node and its rule cache information.
3) When a paramerized node leval data page is updated with new page, what is the best way that its contents can be pushed to same data page in other nodes.
4) To connect to SMA remotely, what is the default JVM jmx username/password so that we can connect.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags; close comments as duplicate post****