
Last activity: 15 Dec 2020 5:01 EST
Indicate the step is skipped in workflow
When a step is processed, the workflow will have 'green ticked' against the step. If a step is skipped, by default its again a green tick. Is there a way to indicate visually in the stage workflow that one step has been skipped?
Version - 7.2
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Any leads on it would be helpful.

Why is the skipped step still indicated as done and ticked?

Pegasystems Inc.
I tested on my system but did not see the skipped step marked with a green check. In my test, the skipped step does not show any mark next to it. When I check the pxStageHistory on pyWorkPage I do not see an entry for it.
Do you see your skipped step marked as complete in the pxStageHistory on pyWorkPage? If you do, can you trace to see where it is getting set?
Updated: 17 Nov 2020 22:32 EST

Hi Carissa,
I had previously tried this with the stage in which the steps were skipped, so even when none of the steps were processed, the stage was marked with a green check.
The business requirement is to hide the step/stage which would be skipped from the UI lifecycle. For example : there are stages A,B,C and stage B should be skipped based on case level property. For the case where B is skipped, user should see the life cycle as A,C. And for the case where B is not skipped, user should see the life cycle as A,B,C.
I tried this by making B as alternate stage, but at the beginning of case life cycle stage B is not shown until the process flow reaches there (that is all the steps in A gets processed). This is confusing to the user as he would initially think this case would not have B at all because of it being skipped. Stage B is being sprung upon him as a surprise.[From the example you had attached - 'Process' stage should be displayed/hidden based on property value]
Would the alternate way be is to configure as two different life cycle(case type) in two different classes and list them all out in one screen using union join of report definition. Then will the different work object display respective UI life cycle based on case level property, which would be available in both the case types?

Hi Carissa,
Any insights on this?

Pegasystems Inc.
You could try something similar to this post.
I did a quick test and changed the condition for displaying the Past stages to also check if the first process was completed. You would have to test to make sure this would work for all of your scenarios.
.pyStageStatus=='Past' && .pxProcesses(1).pxIsComplete == true
Aparna Gopakumar
Updated: 25 Nov 2020 4:26 EST

Thank you Carissa, I found the article useful.
Could you please explain from the screenshot you had attached earlier - how have you skipped the 'Verify' step in 'Process' stage? For skipping a stage, the condition can be provided in pyDefault of case designer. But for skipping a step, if I modify the process invoked in that stage, the stage no longer displays any step.
In my scenario, there are total of 4 steps in the stage and I cannot use the change stage smart shape as I want to process the step 3,4 in the stage.
I'm attempting to indicate the skipped steps like the stages.
Thanks in advance!

Pegasystems Inc.
I set a When condition for the process in Case Designer. I also set the showSteps parameter for pyDisplayStages to true.

Could you please guide on how to do this?

Pegasystems Inc.
I attached screen shots showing where I added the When condition for the Verify process in Case Designer and the pCaseContent section where I set the parameters for pyDisplayStages.

Thank you Carissa, I'll check on this.