
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 21 Jul 2017 10:48 EDT
Importing multiple ruleset zip files to multiple db environments using prpcUtils scripts
Hi Team,
I have a question regarding importing ruleset zip files through command line using script and
If I have to import a file, I will specify the db driver class, jar, and connection properties and will feed in the full path for file in the
As I'm on PRPC 6.1 SP2 system as per the below link - I will run the command as > prpcUtils.bat importPegaArchive
Question 1: Is there a way that will allow us to import multiple zip files like 15-20 zip files to DB using the above approach without manually updating the properties file before each execution run ?
Questions 2: If there are three DB environments for which I need to perform import, Do I need to have three files ?
Hi Team,
I have a question regarding importing ruleset zip files through command line using script and
If I have to import a file, I will specify the db driver class, jar, and connection properties and will feed in the full path for file in the
As I'm on PRPC 6.1 SP2 system as per the below link - I will run the command as > prpcUtils.bat importPegaArchive
Question 1: Is there a way that will allow us to import multiple zip files like 15-20 zip files to DB using the above approach without manually updating the properties file before each execution run ?
Questions 2: If there are three DB environments for which I need to perform import, Do I need to have three files ?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to close post***
This post has been archived for educational purposes. Contents and links will no longer be updated. If you have the same/similar question, please write a new post.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Harish,
Question 1: Is there a way that will allow us to import multiple zip files like 15-20 zip files to DB using the above approach without manually updating the properties file before each execution run ?
Yes we have to manually update the properties file to import multiple files. But this has been enhanced in latest by placing all the jar files into a folder and giving the import path to that folder.
Questions 2: If there are three DB environments for which I need to perform import, Do I need to have three files ?
And Yes again we have to maintain three properties files for each DB you want to import. Alternatively we can use the procedure mentioned by Celeste Dufresne in above comments.

I'm assuming your zip was generated by the make-product-file button on a rule-admin-product, correct ?
Is it possible to modify the rule-admin-product so that instead of generating 20 zips, you generate one zip containing all the rules ?
If not, I would suggest you peek at the prpcutils.bat file itself to see how it uses the import.archive.full.path to see if it would be simple to modify the bat file to loop over a list of zips given in that path.

Pegasystems Inc.
I am not sure if it is available in 6.1sp2 but certainly in later versions you can use a comma seperated list of RAP files that you want to import. Since this version is still making you specify which type of archive you are importing instead of letting the tool figure out the import type that would only work if all of your archives were of the same type. You can also pass any of these as command line arguments so you wouldn't need to use the properties file at all.
echo usage:
echo prpcUtils.bat ( export ^| exportRAP ^| importPegaArchive ^| importCodeArchive ^| importAppBundle ^| expose ^| resave ^| help ) [options...]
echo Options:
echo --driverClass Your JDBC driver class (example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver)
echo --driverJAR Location of your JDBC JAR file
echo --dbType Database vendor type ("mssql" for SQL Server, "udb" for DB/2 UDB, "oracledate" for Oracle)
echo --dbURL JDBC URL to db to be loaded
echo --dbUser Database username
echo --dbPassword Database password
echo --archivePath Full path to the archive to be imported or exported
echo --udbSchema Sets the schema for UDB
echo All "--" options are optional and will override options in the properties file
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Harish,
Question 1: Is there a way that will allow us to import multiple zip files like 15-20 zip files to DB using the above approach without manually updating the properties file before each execution run ?
Yes we have to manually update the properties file to import multiple files. But this has been enhanced in latest by placing all the jar files into a folder and giving the import path to that folder.
Questions 2: If there are three DB environments for which I need to perform import, Do I need to have three files ?
And Yes again we have to maintain three properties files for each DB you want to import. Alternatively we can use the procedure mentioned by Celeste Dufresne in above comments.

Mediatek Inc. China
Hi Nekhil,
Yes we have to manually update the properties file to import multiple files. But this has been enhanced in latest by placing all the jar files into a folder and giving the import path to that folder.
Could you please more specific?
We need to batch import dozens of archived files into another database, Please kindly advise.
Thanks very much.

Pegasystems Inc.
Which version of PRPC you are trying to import into?
Nekhil Kotha

Mediatek Inc. China
Hi Nekhil,
The version of PRPC is 6.1 SP2.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gavin,
If you are on 6.1 SP2 then you have to manually edit the properties file for each archive you want to import and run the import process.
But in latest versions it has been modified to accept the folder which contains JARS to be imported by specifying path to folder instead of path to specific JAR. It will import all the files present in that folder.
Nekhil Kotha

Mediatek Inc. China
Thanks Nekhil.
I have write a shell script to list all zip files in specified directory, and call "./ importPegaArchive --archivePath /test_zips/" iterate.
Although, some of the steps have to be ran duplicated; the batch process has already ran for couple of hours, seems it works fine.
Thanks for your kindly reply anyway.

Questions 2: If there are three DB environments for which I need to perform import, Do I need to have three files?
For this.... We can create a parametrized script which can read DB details of Various environments from a file. Using if else or switch case, we can read only particular DB details and we can pass those DB values to file in runtime.
In this case we can have one file .
Note: Before invoking the script, the property file should contain Valid DB details in order to proceed with import.

In 6.1sp2, can we specify the parameter on the command line instead of in the properties file ? if so, then by taking a directory of the jar files and then editing the output to change it into a list of import commands, then that may do the trick. /Eric

Mediatek Inc. China
Hi Eric,
Actually, the file to be imported can be set in parameter instead of properties file.
The problem is that it can only take file as parameter, not directory.
./ importPegaArchive --archivePath /test_zips/

when i gave multiple RAP file paths to the ./ importPegaArchive --archivePath /test_zips/,/test_zips/,/test_zips/
like this, I have facing that those RAP are not followed the order given , those are imported randomly.
Can u suggest what the approach has to follow to get the correct order.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venu,
To get your question more visibility, we have created a new post for you! Please update that and continue your discussion.
Importing multiple RAP files in the sequence defined
Hope to see you around the Community!
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.