
Cigna Corporation
Last activity: 21 Jun 2019 7:40 EDT
Implementation of IBM Host on Demand with Pega Robotics Studio
We need to automate the IBM Host on Demand( Host Emulation client) mainframe emulator. In the installed package, could not find the required .exe and .edp files ( as it was mentioned in the Attachmate emulator integration with OpenSpan webinar). But we have JNLP file which we used in the Windows Adapter Path property(related .exe file is not available). We kept the “Arguments” property blank as the .edp file is not available. On starting the interrogation, the IBM HOD console is launching with a few seconds delay but we could not see the interrogation bull’s eye window.
Could you please provide a detailed document/video for the implementation of IBM Host on Demand mainframe emulator with Pega Robotics.
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Accepted Solution

Cigna Corporation
Thanks all for suggestions.
Now I'm able to interrogate through terminal designer.Re-installation of HOD application as suggested by my colleague and following all the steps resolved the issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
I don't believe IBM HOD works with OpenSpan.

Cigna Corporation
There is some information to configure IBM HOD at
But with this information we are unable to configure.

Cigna Corporation
We are using Pega Robotics Studio 8.0.1080.0 and IBM Host On-Demand Version 11.0.4-B20111202 Java 2.
We didn't check with IBM for not finding .exe and .edp files as we are unsure about the necessity of these files for configuration.
Can someone please provide the required steps to configure.

Pegasystems Inc.
The article is how you would configure the text adapter to connect to the running session. It sounds like you are unable to launch the application at all. How do you launch it today? If you have a shortcut, you can look at its properties and see what it is pointed to. You can also use Process Explorer to see the command line of a running process. I have used that to see what was called to launch applications before.
Once you know how to start the application, you can then translate that command to the Path/Arguments property of your Windows adapter.
I doubt you will be able to get a video or specific instructions here as HOD is a licensed application which is not something most people have access to.
Mahesh Kharde

Pegasystems Inc.
When you are interrogating a text adapter there is no bull's eye. Since this part of the product is new to you, I would recommend to search for information on Text Adapters in the online help or create an SR.

Cigna Corporation
Thanks Sasnt and Jeff for your responses that was really helpful.
I need help in resolving Invalid presentation error while interrogating text adapter. Below steps were followed.
- Added Windows application and provided properties as in attached WinApp’nProp1,2.png
Path :C:\Program Files(x86) \IBM\Java14\jre\bin\.javaws\cache\http\\ P80\ DMhod\ ####.jnlp
Arguments: Couldn’t find any session file to provide. Even left empty or provided same as path, there was no difference.What can be session file format?[.edp file in Attachmate Extra]
- Able to launch application and interrogate main screens of sessions but not the text as in attached SessionA.png .So I think for interrogating text we use text adapter.
- Using Generic WinHllapi ,WHLAPI32.DLL and provided properties as in attached textAdapterProp1,2.png and on interrogating throwing error textadapterError.png.
- My machine is 64-bit machine, I tried with both Api types for WinHllapi but I could find is no difference.Does Api type makes any diffrence in adapter working?

Standard Chartered Global Business Services
Ensure that the Windows Adapter has been started and the presentation space created before starting the Text Adapter.

Cigna Corporation
Thanks Murugan.
But still I'm able to see same error.

Cigna Corporation
Tried with different Screen definitions and sessions but 'An invalid presentation space was specified' error repeated.Looking for help in resolving the issue.

Cigna Corporation
Above issue is not resolved,can somebody please help.

Pegasystems Inc.
You must not have the correct HLLAPI dll defined or your session is not setup to use it. I have found that using Process Explorer and selecting View DLLs can show you which dlls a given process is loading. If it is using HLLAPI, then one of those dlls should be loaded. You can then try to connect your text adapter to that dll and start interrogation to see if it connects.
Accepted Solution

Cigna Corporation
Thanks all for suggestions.
Now I'm able to interrogate through terminal designer.Re-installation of HOD application as suggested by my colleague and following all the steps resolved the issue.

Tech Mahindra
Hi Sruthi,
currently Working on IBM HOD application. we are getting error "Invalid Presentation Layer" while interrogating the text adapter.
please share/help us to resolve the issues with documented steps/video.
Thanks in advance.
Vamsi Krishna Chukkapalli

Hi kunthavi,
I have tried the following steps and are working fine for me.
Steps to configure the HOD in Pega Robotics.
1.Install the HOD with EHLLAPI Bridge
2.Add Windows application and provide the properties(Path,Target Path,start method)
3.Add General Generic WinHllapi Text Adapter and change the properties as follows:
Dllname : C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\EHLLAPI\WHLAPI32.dll
SessionID: A
UseExtentedFunction: False
Please follow the steps mentioned above.

Cigna Corporation
Hi kunthavait,
"Invalid Presentation Layer" error can be seen if the application is not configured properly. So, can you share screenshots of properties provided for Windows adapter and text adapter. Thanks.

Hello Sruthi,
Hello Sruthi,
In your "WindowsApp'nProp2.png" I can see you have the Path, TargetPath & Arguments supplied for the Windows Application. Can you help me how to identify the right Path, TargetPath & Arguments. I have the same issue, when i start to interrogate it opens the application and the interrogation stops. Any suggestion will be helpful. ThanQ

I have found the path, targetpath & dll. but the automation is not working for text adapter. I don't see any error though. I believe it simply is not referring the right session which opens even thought I supplied the right Session ID. Any idea?