
Last activity: 3 Dec 2021 5:40 EST
Images not visible in generated PDF
Hi all,
I have a requirement to generate PDF with Hindi text and also some content from rich text editor. I have used paragraph rules with included section to generate PDF. That correspondence rule are having images which are located as binary files in "webwb/". We'll also have some images attached to the Rich text editor. We are using v8.3.4 for this. Since PD4ML in this version doesn't support Hindi text properly(ligatures), we are trying to use a different library.
We have validated that the location of the files is correct, however they are not visible in generated PDF. We have tried multiple libraries and the output is same. Can you please help us in getting the images on the pdf.
Or how to get the content of the image from the path?
Note- We are not using OOTB HTMLtoPDF activity