
Cognizant Technology Solution
Last activity: 27 Feb 2017 23:46 EST
iframe implementation to remain in current session(currently opening a new browser window)
We have a biz requirement of implementing iframe in our application. We have performed some sequence of steps for this implementation, but got stuck with a minor issue.
We used the below control to open a iframe window from a modal dialog, but the iframe window is getting opened in a new session instead of replacing the current session.
Below is the control which we used to perform the iframe implementation:
<iframe id='iframeUIP' src="<pega:reference name="UIPRes.UIPURL" />" scrolling="no" width="2560" height="1600" align="centre" frameborder="0" style="position:relative;Left:15;top:-10"></iframe>
We have googled for a solution and found the logic (target=_self) to open the window in the current session. But unfortunately this also failed. There is no change in behavior after adding this logic also.
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