Last activity: 30 Aug 2016 18:29 EDT
If i want to remove '&nbsp' from Rule-Html-Paragraph, but need space,what code i should implement?
Its all about Rule Security Analyzer tool. It shows some vulnerability which is showing " " as a risk. So, If i want to remove ' ' from Rule-Html-Paragraph, but i need space,so what code i should implement in this html so that my risk gets covered and space also remains there?
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Ali Sabry Ashroff -
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Pegasystems Inc.
would a pre tag helps? please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shubhani,
Which version of PRPC you are using.
Not able to see any   in Rule-Html-Paragraph in latest version, if adding space in between two words.
Are you copying text from external source or manually entering text in paragraph.
Hi Shibani,
Version 7.1.9 m using. if actually gets risk because of this  
hence we want to remove it
but want space .so is their any way u know to implement there.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shubhani,
I tried to add text in paragraph by entering text manually and also copy-paste from notepad to paragraph, but am unable to reproduce the behaviour.No " " is getting added in paragraph when viewed source.
Are you copying the text from any other source or manually adding text also gives same issue.
Ford Motor Company
Here is the resolution of my SR for the very same problem   in UI rules:
If we are running the security analyzer with "pyNbspInSections" expression, then it might show in the report.
Nbsp is not a security risk.
pyNbspInSections should not be used for security analysis
The same explanation is applicable for expression: pyNbspInDSDefaultCaption.
Ali Sabry Ashroff Amit Singh Raju Botu Dharshini A
Updated: 30 Aug 2016 18:28 EDT
Ford Motor Company
Alternatively replace  : with   , so that Rule Security Analyser won't report abour while your UI will look same as before.
Ali Sabry Ashroff Raju Botu Janaka Duwage Dharshini A
Ford Motor Company
Alternatively replace  : with   , so that Rule Security Analyser won't report abour while your UI will look same as before.
Janaka Duwage