
Macquarie Bank
Last activity: 23 Feb 2023 0:47 EST
Idle requestor expiry time in a requestor pool
Hi All,
We have a service REST with processing mode as Stateful, with 10 active requestors in my pool. Due to some performance issue (LDAP auth taking more time), we are thinking to not to end the requestor session. so that whenever a new request comes it will re-use the same requestor from the pool by avoiding the auth check. I would like to understand below scenarios before we go with this option.
1) How long will be requestor be present in the pool in idle state.
2) How can we cache the LDAP auth credentials, so that everytime a new request comes from same consumer it can be validated from the cache rather than hitting the LDAP server.
3) Is it advisable to have a requestor session long without ending it?
Navakanth M.