Techno Inc
Last activity: 8 Nov 2021 2:27 EST
I want to get all the properties in class and store them in pagelist.How can I get it?
If anyone knows, tell me how to do it
I want to get all the properties in class and store them in pagelist.How can I get it?
Thank a lot.
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Techno Inc
Thank you for your reply。I tried it, but no value is set in pxResults.Plz see the image of result.
I don't know about Rule-Obj-Property, can you explain it a little more detail?
Can you give me an example。
Bank of America
I don't have pega in my local machine, I tried in my work environment and it worked fine for me. I dont see pre sql and post sql query on your clipboard.
Other method is, you can try with datapage list. Refer to OOTB report definition pxPageProperties, do a save as and remove existing filter conditions and add only pyClassName and if required add pypropertyMode.
Refer the report to a new datapagelist and pass class name as parameter.
Techno Inc
Thank you for your reply.
I don't know the reason, but when I tried it again, I was able to get the total property in the class with Rule obj property.(just share my successful execution results check the image below)
I was able to get the total number of properties in the integration class。but my requirement is want to get the properties name not the total number of properties in the class.
Is it possible to get the properties name?
Infomatics Corp
@SpyKid Use the Out of the Box Report definition pxGetPropertiesForClass in Rule-Obj-Property class. Modify as per your requirement. This RD will get the all the propoerties and details
Techno Inc
Is it possible to call pxGetPropertiesForClass RD from Activity?
I called pxGetPropertiesForClass RD from Activity (Call Rule-Obj-Property.pxGetPropertiesForClass)but does not work.I tried to find out how to use it, but I didn't have it.Can you share how to call pxGetPropertiesForClass RD from Activity.
Refer to the attached doc. see if it helps.
Bank of America
@SpyKid you need to mention the pyPropertyName and other attributes (if you want to see for a property) in selection list.