Last activity: 12 Jan 2023 1:51 EST
How to use a page as a parameter to a data transform
May I know how to use a page as a parameter to a data transform? We try several ways but still failed.
e.g. A B are two data transforms defined in case type class. A call B with a page as a parameter. The page is related a data class said CCC-Data-ddd.
/// In called side, B:
we define a parameter said PageData as type "Page name"
and define page PageData to class CCC-Data-ddd in "Pages & Classes" tab
In steps of B, we access property from PageData with ""
Then B is saved and checked in normally.
/// In case type class
There's a page related to class CCC-Data-ddd defined in case type class, said "ReqData"
/// In calling side, A.
We add a step to call B with one of below several parameter values:
ReqData (without "")
.ReqData (without "")
"ReqData" (with "")
".ReqData" (with "")
Then A is saved and checked in normally.
However, with each of the para value of above 4 options, in run time, an error is reported like below:
"The Flow Action yyy transform rule A failed:!=NULL ClipboardPage, can not execute query .xxx with 0 parameters ... on null page
Seems the page ReqData is not passed from A to B successfully.
Could you kindly advise? Thanks.