
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 16 Aug 2017 5:46 EDT
How to set current date time to Beginning or End of the day
We have two DateTime properties "Start Date" and "End Date"
To set Default value of "Start Date" and "End Date" as current date we are using function @(Pega-RULES:DateTime).CurrentDateTime(). While checking the property on the clipboard it is displaying as 20170814T122032.036 GMT. It is understood as it is setting the current Hours and current Minutes.
According to our requirement we want Default value of "Start Date" to be set to Beginning of day ie 20170813T000000.000 GMT and "End Date" to be set to end of the day ie 20170814T235900.000 GMT.
Is there a way to achieve this by doing changes directly in the property?