
Last activity: 23 Aug 2018 19:06 EDT
How to run the activity based on success of activity
How to identify that Activity failed, so that based on failure/success appropriate action can be taken.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Use StepStatusFail or StepStatusGood when rule on your step's jump condition.
Vinay Reddy
Sandani Gunasekara

Thanks Vinay.
Can you please elaborate with little more details.

Ernst and Young
Hi Dharmapals,
As I can understand from your question that you want to execute another activity from current activity.
So we have three types of Methods for calling one activity from other :
1.Call: This is used when you want to call Activity B from Activity A and after execution of Activity B if you want to give the execution control back to Activity A.
2.Branch:This is used when you want to call Activity B from Activity A and after execution of Activity B if you don't want to give the execution control back to Activity A and after executing Activity B only the execution will end.
3.Queue:This is used when you want to call Activity B from Activity A and want to run both of them in parallel.
So,you can use any one of the calling method as per your requirement,but if you want to execute Activity B on succesfull execution of ACtivity A then you have to put a flag(eg a property that store value true/false) and on the basis of flag put a when condition(flagvalue="True") at the first step of Activity B that when condition false exit activity.
Hope it works ..If you have any doubt please let me know
Hari Pandey

I think I should have given more details... :). This is related to Pega Robotics Automation in Openspan for usage of interaction and activity framework.
I have project A, project B and Project C. In project A I am calling activity PrjA, which is received by Project B in which I am retrieving some data after lot of processing on Apis, DB etc and store the results into interaction context variables (as this data will be used by Project A and C both), and this Prj A activity may succeed or fail in between, For Fail, I don't want to proceed further executing Project C automation. On successful execution of PrjA activity I need to call PrjC activity which is again called from Project A and event is received in Project C (project C activity is the actual UI automation, which may take 5 min to 1 hour for one record to be proeceesed that is based on volume of items available in the record).
1. Trying to find suitable method for launching activity , not sure startandwait, startactivity etc. or other method, and then how to control dynamic wait
2. How to use the execute method in the automation, as the failure may have different flow vs the positive flow
3. ProJect B and Project C are child projects to Project A, and how to pass control back from Project C to project A, for both Pass as well as fail criteria with or without details e.g. we want to end iteration there itself in project C or we want to decide in the Project A.
satish javvaji P K

You can use call,branch or queue methods.

You can use the ootb when condition of StepStatusSuccess to check it conditionally