
How to recreate the pzpvStream blob column
Previously we created a datatable for an application. The datatable created did not have default Pega columns (that is no pzpvStream).
Now we want to create the pzpvStream blob column, is there a way to repopulate existing data columns into the blob stream ?
Thanks in advance
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I am assuming table already have standard columns(like pzInsKey,pyLable,pxObjClass,..etc). Then you could try the below steps
1) Table a DB Backup of the table ( just to restore if something goes wrong)
1) Take a product of the datatable
2) Delete the rows the from the table
3) Add pzPVStream column to the table
4) Import the product

Thanks for suggestion. I did try but without success.
Step tried:
1. took Product of the whole datatable instances
2. within database, drop all records from teh datatable
3. added pzpvstream column to the datatable
4. import Product from step 1. - failed with error:
Thanks for suggestion. I did try but without success.
Step tried:
1. took Product of the whole datatable instances
2. within database, drop all records from teh datatable
3. added pzpvstream column to the datatable
4. import Product from step 1. - failed with error:
Cannot save instance of class XXXXXXX; it belongs to fully exposed table pegadata.xxxxx in database PegaDATA, but the instance has properties which do not correspond to columns: pxMoveImportOperName , pxMoveImportOperId , pxMoveImportDateTime
FATAL ERROR: Invalid clipboard stream detected in module PegaArchiveException.RuleArchiveLoader. Reason: importContents(PegaArchive)
5. Drop the pzpvstream column from datatable
6. import Product again, no error
Still looking for other solution/suggestion

After adding the columns in the table, did you try to do the Test Connectivity from the class rule or from Database Table instance to refresh the cached in memory columns for that class.

yes, I did refresh the database table within Pega - to make sure the new table columns definition are stored correctly.
However import failed

It's better to import data table instances into excel sheet, recreate the datatable by deleting previous table and exporting the data table instances into the new table.

Looks like import in same structure could not help here, what i tried long back was have a utility/data page with all the data from Data Table(we generally have one at page and page list level). Keep this data page populated and now 2 options :
1. Use existing table/db structure just remove all the columns from table which you want to be in blob and remove the mapping from class rule as well. Add new column pzpvstream as Blob type, test the connection from class and commit the changes in db. Now using the utility to an obj-save with commit in save class.
2. Create new table/db structure with needed column + pzpvstream column change ur sysadmin-db-table for class test connection from class and use have utility to do obj-save + commit
Let me know if helps.

@Cho - Can you please share the current table structure if possible? I am looking for more around what standard columns you have in the table.

Please create a new table with the required columns and map them