
US Air Force
Last activity: 10 Mar 2021 4:55 EST
How to print contents of popup window
I'm attempting to print the harness displayed in a popup window following the method in this post:
but I'm having trouble following how they implement this, or how they are creating this "method".
I understand method in context of Java, but not in context of Pega. There is no "method" Pega rule, is there?
I created a button, and from the button I created an action set so that when I click I run an activity, and from in the activity I select a java method, and in the java window enter "window.print()" and I get the error message: "window cannot be resolved"
I've tried creating a Function and entering the code from the post, but I cannot get the code to compile. It doesn't like the token "function".
Some other methods i've tried include:
using the Print action, but it doesn't print what is on screen, it prints something else
setting the script on the harness that is displayed (from the Scripts & styles tab in the harness) to harness_print, and this prints the right thing, but does so when the window is opened instead of when the button is clicked