
Tokio Marine Holdings
Last activity: 14 Apr 2017 6:47 EDT
How to pinch to zoom on iPad
I can use my app on iPad, but cannot pinch to zoom.
Colud you let me know how to pinch to zoom on iPad.
Do I need some special configuration?
Browser : Safari
Pega version : 7.1.6
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Pegasystems Inc.
can you show a screenshot?

Tokio Marine Holdings
Thank you, Kevin.
What screenshots do you need?
I can't pinch to zoom in every page.

Pegasystems Inc.
trying to see if this is pega specific or not. So you can pinch to zoom in other websites but just not in pega pages?

Tokio Marine Holdings
Yes, I can't pinch to zoom just in pega pages.(I can pinch to zoom in other websites.)
So I think it is because of configurations in Pega.

Hi Yoshiwara-san,
Thank you for inquiring here.
As far as Pega architect designers have thought Pega 7 to keep precise layout for each device is most important, indeed.
So, currently the layout including sizing of Pega 7 has limitation of pinch out function.
For zooming, this is temporary, using double tap and zoom out is just a work around.
Now I am asking mobily staffs for which tags and how to release fixed sizing.
Once get the answer, I will reply you and your colleagues.
Just wait for a while, and again thank you for your patience and posting here.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro ITO , Global Customer Support , PegaSystems.

The issue comes from a tag located fixed position.
.<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
Then our staff tried to append the following updated meta tag using JS to enable zooming/scalability. It seems to enable zooming in iOS and Android.
01.<script type="text/javascript">
02. var enableScale = function() {
03. $("head").append("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=10.0, user-scalable=1\" />");
04. };
05. /* Enable scale on document ready. */
06. $(function() {
07. enableScale();
08. });
But just remind you once enabling scalability can cause several UI issues.

Tokio Marine Holdings
Thank you very much.
Your advice resolved my problem.
But I don't understand why we need to add jQuery sources for pinching to zoom?
And nomarly is it impossible to pinch to zoom in Pega apps?
Should I make other web pages for mobile appart from for PC?

Hi Yoshiwara-san,
Thank you for update.
I have replied on an SR, the meta issue will be solved by adding UserWorkForm HTML Fragmentation with meta tag entry, so you do not need to add all web pages.
In the future release, times is not determined yet, pyMetaTag will be only having mobile meta tag entries.
On the current architecture (at 7.1.x), an other class has over written the viewport meta even set in pyMetaTag.
Best Regards,
Yas ITO.