
Incessant Technologies PVT Ltd
Last activity: 19 Apr 2021 11:32 EDT
How to pass the params to Authentication Service Activity
We have a requirement to validate the JWT token generated by IDP in Pega, to implement this we have configured below rules.
- Created the token profile.
- Created the Custom Activity which is calling pxProcessJWT for JWT validation. Token profile and the JWT token is being passed as parameters to pxProcessJWT.
- Created the Custom Auth Service and referenced the custom activity in the service.
- Referenced the Authentication Service in service package.
The above mentioned process is working without any issues. But I'm not able to pass the token profile dynamically to the custom activity which is referenced in Authentication Service, which is currently hardcoded in Custom activity. The process of the JWT validation is common for which we have created the generic cust activity but we are not able to pass the token profile dynamically to this as the activity referenced in Authentication service doesn't take the parameters. Is there a way to pass the params to the Auth service activity ?