
Posted: Apr 11, 2017
Last activity: Apr 21, 2017
Last activity: 21 Apr 2017 0:17 EDT
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After setting Authentication Timeout in the access groups, is it possible to migrate this change to other environments ? Please provide inputs
Accepted Solution
Baigh has the right idea.
A product rule (Rule-Application-Product, commonly abbreviated as RAP) with the ruleset will grab the access group if you include associated data. You could also just package your application wizard for a more comprehensive product rule which includes the access groups ( and might remind you of some other access groups related to your application you could forget)
You can be even more selective and create a product rule for only one instance by just putting the pzinskey for the DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ACCESSGROUP into the individual instances to include. Open your access group rule and use ACTION > View XML, then search the results for pzinskey. You then use that value as the Key in a row of the individual instance to include. If you have a few, you can also use the query function specifying DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ACCESSGROUP in the select a class box.
Use a product rule and mention the ruleset where your accessgroup resides.
Accepted Solution
Baigh has the right idea.
A product rule (Rule-Application-Product, commonly abbreviated as RAP) with the ruleset will grab the access group if you include associated data. You could also just package your application wizard for a more comprehensive product rule which includes the access groups ( and might remind you of some other access groups related to your application you could forget)
You can be even more selective and create a product rule for only one instance by just putting the pzinskey for the DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ACCESSGROUP into the individual instances to include. Open your access group rule and use ACTION > View XML, then search the results for pzinskey. You then use that value as the Key in a row of the individual instance to include. If you have a few, you can also use the query function specifying DATA-ADMIN-OPERATOR-ACCESSGROUP in the select a class box.
Question Solved
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