Last activity: 29 Sep 2023 13:52 EDT
How many NodeLevel DataPages can be present in clipboard/memory and what is the max size Datapages can have which doesn't effect performance
Hi Pega team, We have one requirement to store some data in node level datapage This Node level Datapage is a parameterized datapage based on an ID Each Parameterized Node level Datapage is of size approximately 400 KB. In a busy day, we will be having 60 such Node level datapages and it may increase to 100 in upcoming days So, if we consider 100 different Node level parameterized datapages, we will having size of 400KB per each page multiplied by 100 . Which is 40 MB on each node And here we have total of 60-70 Nodes. So each node will be having size of 40 MB with respect to this Node level paramterized datapage I opened this question to know pega recommendation/ performance impacts with this implementation and whats the maximum size a clipboard/ pega memory can bare