
National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
Last activity: 16 Jun 2016 8:52 EDT
How to increase "upload WSDL by URL" default timeout of 15 sec ?
while creating new SOAP integration with "Upload WSDL by URL" option we are getting error message "Unable to connect to <http://XXX.XXX.XX.XX:8080/wsdl/testservice?wsdl> in 15 seconds".
Same WSDL URL worked fine in SOAP / READY UI and browser but it took more than a minute to load as there are many related schemas.
We are looking for option to increase this 15 sec default timeout.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
yes, that is working on my side as well. Thanks for trying out the local change, Mohit!
I am fixing issues with DSS in "pyValidateURLSource" for inclusion in a future Pega release. If you are interested in an official change for the version of Pega that you are using, please reach out to Global Customer Service.

I dont think we have any form to update that value. But we have alternatives to use like upload a file or use the wsdl content. Try that and let us know if that fits you.

National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
we are trying to follow best practice of using URL option to avoid manual file handling errors.
Updated: 13 Jun 2016 12:51 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
The manual file handling errors can be mitigated if they use relative references (no hostnames in the URLs) by uploading all files to an appropriate directory structure on the Pega system and then referencing the WSDL via file URL such as "file:///C:/temp/myWSDL.xml" (MS windows example) or "file:///etc/temp/myWSDL.xml" (unix example)
Note: the three slashes before " C:" are required because the file is local to the Pega system, so the hostname part of the file URL is blank.
This option is only feasible if you have read/write access to the file system on the Pega system, which is not always the case.

National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
presently we are exploring option to change configuration value of 15 second so that we directly import from url
Updated: 13 Jun 2016 16:03 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega are you using?
In Pega 7.1.5 and later, you could try setting this Dynamic System Setting, as seen in the "pyValidateURLSource" rule which is ultimately called by the wizard (from pyValidateSourceLocation Activity):
Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationArchitect
Purpose: URLBox/Timeout
Value: timeout (in seconds) for loading the resource at the URL in this field.
I do not currently see a solution of this type in a version earlier than Pega 7.1.5.

Pegasystems Inc.
Looks like my response could have been wrong. Please try Jeff's suggestion to alter the timeout value with a system setting.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks all for inputs. We will try the DSS.
Mohit, please update here once you have the result. Thanks.

National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
thanks Jeff for this idea - it helped.
I tried creating Dynamic System Setting but for some reason it was not getting referenced. Found that in Activity pyValidateURLSource step 8 we have 'seconds' defined which is getting referenced at run time to set the timeout.
I still did not review whole scenario but looks like we should use input parameter 'timeout' in java step rather than redefining.

Pegasystems Inc.
I do see some logical errors in pyValidateURLSource around the use of the "seconds" variable.
Step 8 seems to be resetting "seconds" to 15 instead of using the value from step 2.... so the Dynamic System Setting is not taking effect.
If you remove or comment out the "seconds = 15" at the top of step 8 (when allowed, establish connection...), I think the setting should start working. I'll try to experiment on my side.

National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
correct Jeff, commenting out 'seconds' is making system to use defined value for Dynamic system setting 'URLBox/Timeout'.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
yes, that is working on my side as well. Thanks for trying out the local change, Mohit!
I am fixing issues with DSS in "pyValidateURLSource" for inclusion in a future Pega release. If you are interested in an official change for the version of Pega that you are using, please reach out to Global Customer Service.

National Account Service Company LLC (NASCO)
am raising a SR to get this solution as HotFix , what reference i can give to help relate ?

Pegasystems Inc.
We should add this Mesh link to the SR.

Hi Mohit,
Adding on to Will's reply, please let us know the SR number here and we could help track it through this post by tagging it here!
Lochan | Online Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Thanks Mohit. I have tagged it to the post above!

Pegasystems Inc.
There's no config setting for this. You should raise an SR to investigate this. I have a concern that the quantity of XSD metadata being loaded to generate the connectors could be massive, based on the comment that it takes a full minute to load the WSDL into SOAP UI. Assuming this delay is due to data volume and not network latency, this could be an issue for the wizard that the customer would encounter after increasing the timeout.