Last activity: 19 Sep 2024 6:37 EDT
How to hold the advance stage with optional process
we have a process that create a task for case officers who can decide to create a task(adhoc) for customers after assessing the customer information based on some questions but the tasks that creates for customer should be mandatory for advance to the next stage even though case officer task is completed ..
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Hi @BRAHMESH@, set up a flag as precondition on the next stage, so that user cannot proceed to the advance stage and you can provide them the information to complete the prev one . Hope this helps.
@GiridharanVenkati think, if we set a flag as precondition on next stage then it skips that stage and moves onto further stage in the process until find a process to create a next assignment / reaches to resolution stage..
Pegasystems Inc.
I think we can use the Case Dependency Wait Shape to wait until the case office completes the action based on your business requirements..
Bits in Glass
@BRAHMESH@ the customer task can be handled to process in alternative stage. Once customer completes his task, you can do a change stage from alternative to next Primary stage. So till customer completes his task, case will not be moved to next stage.
@Anoop Krishnai think. The task in primary stage gets removed when case is moved from primary stage to alternative stage.. the primary task in stage can be completed but the case should not be advanced to next stage untill optional task is completed..
Bits in Glass
@BRAHMESH@ Better to go with push approach. You can make the case wait in a work basket. Keep this work basket before the end shape of current stage so case will wait for manual push. Once customer completes his task, use Resumeflow activity. Pass the flow action and flow as parameter, then case will be moved to end shape and then to next stage.
Instead of optional process, we can keep it as step in the current stage so that you can skip the step based on condition. So the customer who wanted to complete the step, they will do and it wont be skipped. Hope this helps.