
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 26 Jan 2022 7:18 EST
How to handle vlookup formula and pega input syntax e.g {} in one column in Excel
We have a functionality to provide the users with an option to download data in an excel format, then allow them to modify the data and then upload it back again.
For this, we have used MSOGenerateExcelFile to download an excel file containing the data from the application.
This is working fine.
However we have a requirement, that we would like to auto populate a column value based on another column in Excel template. for this I have used vlookup formula:
If I add a function in the excel instead of {}, the property reference is missed and the value are not getting mapped to the column from pega when we download the excel template and moreover it is taking lot of time as well to download the file.
To use the property refence for mapping the value , i have tried the below approach:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(I7,'Drop Down Lists'!J1:K60,2,FALSE),"{.pxResults().PWJobDesc input}")
however this approach also did not work and we are unable to download the file.
Any suggestions on how this can be achieved.