
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Last activity: 4 May 2016 3:27 EDT
How to get my application/part of the application scanned in 'VERACODE' ?
I have a requirement to scan my application/part of the application built on Pega 6.3 SP1 in 'Veracode'. There are two options available for scanning, Dynamic and Static.
In Dynamic I just have to give the URL of the application but it is out of question as my application is internal to the account so dynamic scanning is not possible. The second Option is Static scanning, where I need to provide the 'Jar', 'War' or 'Ear' file for scanning. I tried giving the product file which I created but it threw an error. So just wanted to know if anybody have scanned your application with Veracode before? If so, please let me know the process.
Message was edited by: Vidyaranjan Av
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - Added Category (4.26.16)