How to get the Grid or table data on the screen in to the excel file?
How to get the Grid or table data on the screen in to the excel file?
How to get the Grid or table data on the screen in to the excel file?
Accepted Solution
Hi @pundarit,
1. Create and excel file (it should consist of the column names and for that particular column give this in the following format from which it needs to fetch the value "{pyWorkPage.EmpList().FirstName}") refer to screen shot (EmpDetails excel (in the pictures)) for exact configuration of excel file and save it.
2. Create a binary file (records->technical->binary file) of directory type webwb and extension type xlsx, and then upload the created excel document in the binary file.
3. Create an activity and call "pxGenerateExcelFile" this activity. In the parameters in TemplateRFB-> give the binary file name in this format (webwb!empdetails!xlsx). In FSFileName parameter -> give the file name to be displayed when it is downloaded. (can give any name).
4. Then in the section configure a button and open the properties->action set-> on click of button event add an action as "open URL window"-> call the created activity. In the window properties->window name->give "_self" if we want excel file to be downloaded in the same window at the top right.
Sai G
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