Last activity: 5 Sep 2021 2:04 EDT
How to generate truststore.jks from keystore.jks for pxProcessJWT
Hi Team,
I am doing some work around processing JWT token in Pega. In my test app, I create a keystore.jks and use it to generate an JWT token by calling pxGenerateJWT. Then I call pxProcessJWT to process the token with my truststore.jks (generated by the keystore.jks). However, I got this error in the log:
Hi Team,
I am doing some work around processing JWT token in Pega. In my test app, I create a keystore.jks and use it to generate an JWT token by calling pxGenerateJWT. Then I call pxProcessJWT to process the token with my truststore.jks (generated by the keystore.jks). However, I got this error in the log:
2021-09-05 01:43:11,634 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ TestApp:01.01.01] (ta_Admin_Security_Token.Action) ERROR localhost| Proprietary information hidden diepd - Unable to process the Json Web Token Unable to retrieve JWK public key at com.pega.platform.securitycore.internal.jwt.JWTSignatureVerifier.getJWSKeySelectorFromPubKey( ~[security-core.jar:?] at com.pega.platform.securitycore.internal.jwt.JWTSignatureVerifier.getJWSKeySelector( ~[security-core.jar:?] at com.pega.platform.securitycore.internal.jwt.JWTSignatureVerifier.validateSignature( ~[security-core.jar:?] at com.pega.platform.securitycore.internal.jwt.JWTProcessorImpl.processGeneratedJsonWebToken( ~[security-core.jar:?] at ~[printegrint.jar:?] at com.pegarules.generated.activity.ra_action_pxprocessjwt_99e447b231b02066bcf63faa704cca68.step3_circum0( ~[?:?] at com.pegarules.generated.activity.ra_action_pxprocessjwt_99e447b231b02066bcf63faa704cca68.perform( ~[?:?]
If I use keystore.jks directly when calling pxProcessJWT, everything is ok. So I guess my issue is about the way I generate my truststore.jks. Could you tell me how to generate a truststore.jks from keystore.jks (or from a certification.crt file) ?
This is how I generate my truststore.jks from keystore.jks.:
1/ keytool -export -alias dattest -file dattest.der -keystore keystore.jks
2/ openssl x509 -inform der -in dattest.der -out dattest.pem
3/ keytool -importcert -file dattest.pem -keystore truststore.jks -alias dattest
Thank you,