
Last activity: 19 Jun 2020 14:39 EDT
How to flush data pages from unathenticated RS
Hi All,
I need to display something on the login page before entering into the application, for this I'm using unauthenticated RS. It is working well but it throws an error if I try to flush a data page from an activity in unauthenticated RS. D_TestPage is of Code-Pega-List and D_TestPage.pxResults is of ABC class. When I'm trying to flush D_TestPage it throws an error in the Tracer like - "You lack access required to execute ...."
By referring different pdn articles, I used FlushDeclarativePage, pzFlushDataPage and pega_rules_declarepages.pzDeleteAllInstancesOfDeclarativePage(tools, "D_TestPage ");
But in all 3 scenarios it is throwing error and the Data Page doesn't get flushed.
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***