
Crestone Technology
Last activity: 23 Nov 2018 13:14 EST
How to find information about the DefaultStore repository?
Can anyone point me to documentation about what is the purpose of the default repository? (defaultstore)
When I open it, I see this:
This is a system managed repository. The configuration cannot be modified from here. For more details please refer to help.
When I open Help from that rule form, I arrive at the topic Continuous Integration and delivery pipeline repositories, at the address <hostname>/prhelp/procomhelpmain.htm#data-/data-repository/main.htm. However, I cannot find any mention of defaultstore there.
When I search the index for "defaultstore", I get one match that concerns "the storage destination ... used by the import data wizard, BIX, and file listeners to store files".
That topic seems to indicate that the purpose of the default repository is "You can change the location to which the files are written"
Can anyone point me to documentation about what is the purpose of the default repository? (defaultstore)
When I open it, I see this:
This is a system managed repository. The configuration cannot be modified from here. For more details please refer to help.
When I open Help from that rule form, I arrive at the topic Continuous Integration and delivery pipeline repositories, at the address <hostname>/prhelp/procomhelpmain.htm#data-/data-repository/main.htm. However, I cannot find any mention of defaultstore there.
When I search the index for "defaultstore", I get one match that concerns "the storage destination ... used by the import data wizard, BIX, and file listeners to store files".
That topic seems to indicate that the purpose of the default repository is "You can change the location to which the files are written"
I think I'm missing a connection: how does this tie in to continuous intregration? Is the default repository truly usable like a repository I can create, or does it have a different purpose?