How to fetch URL of dynamic chrome window using openspan
Scenario : This is related to OpenSpan automation using Chrome. Openspan 19.1.77 is being used
Automation Summary : Open a fixed URL in chrome and fill a textbox of webpage with 3 letters and click on Go button. Webpage will redirect to a new page, find it's URL using openspan.
1. Open given URL (this is fixed value).
2. On the webpage there is a TextBox and a Button named as Go. Input 3 letters in textbox and Click on Go.
3. As a result the Chrome redirects to a new URL based on 3 letter value supplied in textbox.
4. The chrome redirects to a new URL (this is dynamic value).
5. Fetch this new URL
Challenge : How to implement 5th point. I have interrogated the fixed url and then able to fill textbox and click on Go but then the new webpage will open dynamically and it will not be matched by openpan until interrogated. The 3 letter prefix and the New redirect URL are very high in count - may be thousands. How to fetch new URL without interrogating thousands of webpages.
Is it possible to fetch the redirect path of a webpage dynamically in openspan?