Last activity: 19 Oct 2016 9:51 EDT
How to fetch data in parallel in dataflows in Pega Marketing
In Pega Marketing we're using CustomerData dataflow to compile customer data in real-time. All data sets are accesing Oracle tables. Everything is working as designed.
In the second phase of our project, we would like to call (at least) two different webservices; webservice-1 returns CustomerComplaints and webservice-2 returns CustomerTotalAccountBalance. Execution paths, in Next-Best-Action strategy, will dramatically change based on this information. For example, if customer has complaint, a "retention" related messages/offers will be shown and for valuable customers, based on customer's acocunt balance, some specific propositions will be available. Therefore, data must be fetched in real-time.
As far as I see, datasets are getting executed in serial, which means total execution time of the DF is equal to the sum of each data set's execution time. That would slow down DF's execution time and will most likely cause timeouts on channel applicaitons because PM would not be able to meet with its SLA.
Therefore, briefly, we would like to fecth data from various webservices in parallel. Expectation is not limited to webservice calls.
Is there a way to implement this?
Pega Markeitng 7.13 on top of Pega 7.2