Last activity: 23 May 2016 8:03 EDT
How do I step back a "step" in a stage in a casetype
Is there a way that we can switch the steps within the Stage in Case Type? I was able to find below link which says that it will be available in Pega 7.1.11.
We are implementing solution for one of pioneer client using Pega v7.2 and we want to use this feature to switch back to previous step from current step in same stage in Case Type.
It will be great if someone can guide me with steps to implement this feature in Pega 7.2.
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Hi All,
Adding some more information regarding the post that we are not using screen flow here, We want way to switch steps within single stage. For example, Collect Information and Approval are 2 steps (2 different standard flows or 2 different assignments (Flow Actions) in single flow) within single Stage, After submitting the Collect information step by originator, the assignment will be routed for approval, Once Approver opens the approval assignment and rejects the case, The case should be routed back to originator on Collect Information assignment. We know that we have Switch stage utility which does switch to specified stage in case type but as we have so many logical steps and if we make them as Stages its increasing the stages chevrons. We are looking for something as OOTB solution which can switch the steps within single stage so that we can avoid customization. Hope this information will help in suggesting the approach if anything available in Pega 7.2.
Pegasystems Inc.
- would a decision shape Collect --> Approve --> yes --> Review otherwise Collect --> Approve --> No --> Collect works?
Pegasystems Inc.
- reassign to originator need to be customized with OOTB Approval Smart Shape, I think. []
Hi Phani,
Thanks for responding but the link which you shared is mainly used for switching the stage using Switch Stage smart shape which we are aware and using it now but we are ending up having so many stages in Case Type chevrons and we don't want to create so many main stages in Case Type chevrons and was looking for something if available OOTB Pega 7.2 which can allow us to switch the steps within the single Stage by some configuration so that we can avoid having so many stages and leverage the usage of steps within the stage for switching purpose.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pankaj Rawal could you please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!
Pegasystems Inc.
I don't think it is a good design pattern for neither step back to the previous "step" nor the previous "stage", especially when the process is complicated.
Like the structured programming, design your process runs one direction and reuse those flows and flow actions wisely if necessary. For some edge cases consider using alternate stage instead of implementing them in the main process.
Pegasystems Inc.
shivkant - would the OOTB API RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- PXRESTARTSTAGE be of help?