
Coforge DPA
Last activity: 11 Nov 2015 9:36 EST
How do i generate connector rules if the WSDL supplied does doesn't have a working Endpoint
How do i generate connector rules if the WSDL supplied does doesn't have a working Endpoint <time being> and has Multiple XSD's referred from it? its not working even if i keep the XSDs in service export directory. How do we mention the File Location? PRPC expects it to be like file// but my service export is in E drive of app server forlder. E:\IBM\BPMCPM\Tmp\PegaTempDir\StaticContent\global\ServiceExport
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Accepted Solution

Coforge DPA
Hey Hey... i think its fixed. I have place the Files in prweb.war folder.. its working now. Let me just see and confirm...
Thnaks a Lot for your support.

May I know the PRPC version you are in?
If you are in 7.x version try placing the referencing files i.e xsd's and wsdl's under StaticContent(E:\IBM\BPMCPM\Tmp\PegaTempDir\StaticContent\global\ServiceExport) Folder and try consuming the wsdl using Local File Option? In case if it doesn't work please paste the error here.

Coforge DPA
Its 6.3 SP1. Am actually confused as to how will i give the FilePath in the local file option. I gave the above path,tries to add the port address etc.but it didn't work. can you tell me the path that i need to give? the above is the folder path for me. Please let me know how do i refer it in the Local File Option.

In local file option you need to select the wsdl file from your local folder and referenced files would present in static content folder.
Would it be possible to share the wsdl files that you were consuming?

Coforge DPA
Since the Endpoint does not work, I tried using the other two options. It’s not working for me.
The WSDL has the XSD reference which is Complex in nature, that is you can find Multiple XSD reference from one. I have kept all in the service Export but its not working.
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Coforge DPA
Oh btw... i tried this in SOAP Ui... its working, as in i placed all the files (XSDs and WSDL) in my desktop... it worked...

Try the same in PRPC with local file option by placing all files in desktop.

I just tried in my local environment. You should use "Document URL" option. With Local File Name option getting below error.
Place all the files(xsd's and wsdl) in application server web-apps folder and accessing it with URL using Document URL option.
Note: In my case I placed in tomcat's webapps folder and access the wsdl using following URL and import was successful.

Coforge DPA
We are using WebSphere so we don't have this web-apps folder. So can you tell me which folder shall i keep in?
Please see the screen shot that shows that I have kept the WSDLs and XSDs in Static Content. I think am not able to form the URL. Can you tell me how do I form It?
Accepted Solution

Coforge DPA
Hey Hey... i think its fixed. I have place the Files in prweb.war folder.. its working now. Let me just see and confirm...
Thnaks a Lot for your support.

Good to hear that your issue was resolved. Please mark this post as resolved J

Coforge DPA
Marked as success

Pegasystems Inc.
If you had the WSDL and XSD files stored in a directory on the Pega server that can be accessed by the Pega software, you also could have tried using a File URL such as file:///c/users/me/Desktop/wsdlFiles/service1.wsdl
This would allow PRPC to "find" the XSD files that are at relative paths to your WSDL.

Coforge DPA
That’s what even I knew and was obviously my first approach âº, but it didn’t work as such â¹. It was not able to pull the XSDs from the relative path. That’s why I gave the path as http://myenviromentip:Port/prweb/wsdlfile and it worked.
Updated: 10 Nov 2015 21:24 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Interesting. I would have expected this to work on Pega 6.3.
I will look into it.
- Jeff

Coforge DPA
6.3 sp1

Pegasystems Inc.
You indicate that your WSDL location is like this:
Do you remember what you used for the file URL when you tried?
The file URL for my example would be:
note the three slashes after file, compared to the two slashes for an external URL.
Updated: 11 Nov 2015 9:35 EST

Coforge DPA
Updated: 11 Nov 2015 9:36 EST

Coforge DPA
Hold on… I think I tried this one first:
Then this one:
and at last moved the files from static content and kept it in prweb and hit the below url.