
de Volksbank
Last activity: 14 Nov 2018 0:05 EST
How to do exceptional handling if we use QUEUE method.
Hello All,
Any idea on
1. How to do exceptional handling if we use QUEUE method.
Gouri Shankar K
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Pegasystems Inc.
The queue method is typically used for operations where you can fire something off and move on. If you need someone to be notified of an error, you could send an email to an administrator or maybe you write a custom log message somewhere that is monitored.

de Volksbank
Log message and sending email is not exceptional handling.
Jon Caley

Pegasystems Inc.
The exception handling in the queued activity would be the same as in a regular activity so I thought the concern was if there was a need for user intervention. Can you share more details on the scenario you are trying to address? Maybe an example would help.

de Volksbank
Eg: If i get any exception inside the activity which i have called using queue method. I want that exception information in my main activity.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Gouri,
Are you looking out for exception handling in QueueForAgent activity which is used in Queue-for-Agent method ,please elaborate more on your requirement .
Wilhelm Mauch

de Volksbank
Hello Arun, it's QUEUE method. Below is the scenario.
Eg: If i get any exception inside the activity which i have called using queue method. I want that exception information in my main activity.

hello Shankar,
Did you get any help on your query? I am also looking for same scenario. I have Connect-SOAP called within my activity which is being called by Queue method in parent activity. And this runs in loop..
So for each child, it will run and any exception in any of the child, i have to throw the exceptions and if needed also stop the further processing.
Can you let me know if you have an idea to address this?
Hi All, any further help is much appreciated.