Capgemini Technological Services
Last activity: 10 Jan 2020 1:23 EST
How to display pagelist in a report
Hello All,
I have a requirement where I need to display the pagelist data in report depfinitions if possible to achieve through list view or summary view please suggest the approach.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Do you know how said Page-List has been built? You can surely have a Report Definition building the same Page-List. What Pega version is it?
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Abhishek,
I am assuming you are looking for a way to report on page list data. You could use declare index feature to push data to a separate index table and create a report on that.
Let us know if this helps :)
Capgemini Technological Services
We cannot go through the declare index approach as in long run there would be millions of data in the data table.
Is there any other way to display the pagelist data to report.
Also we need to use this report for export to excel feature for the buisness requirement.
Hi @Abhishek,
Could you please let us know who the Data page is getting formed, if it is populated from different tables then write RD with same logic otherwise you need save Dpage to table and write the RD to fetch the data.
Usually for better performance, declare index will be created for page list and page groups. You can create a RD in the application class with a class join for the index class which contains the PL/PG values. Looks like you need to utilize page list values in another RD. You can have one RD to get the details with the above logic and configure this as a sub report in the main report to utilize values. Please let me know if it helps or If I miss anything.
Please provide more details about your requirement.
Capgemini Technological Services
We cannot go through the declare index approach as in long run there would be millions of data in the data table.
Is there any other way to display the pagelist data to report.
Also we need to use this report for export to excel feature for the buisness requirement.
The primary purpose of declare index is to improve performance so if there are millions of records you should be using declare index with proper DB indexing of columns. You can probably work with DBA on the query generated by listview / summary view to optimize query.