
Mindmajix Technologies Inc
Last activity: 21 Feb 2017 10:41 EST
How to define Business Rules in Pega
The Pega business rules platform delivers the most robust and flexible business rules support on the market, including:
-Process rules that automate all facets of workflow management.
-A wide range of decision rule types, including decision trees, decision tables, and decision maps.
-Declarative rules that compute values based on changes in other values.
-Data transformation rules that enable data to be passed across dissimilar IT systems.
-Integration rules that determine the appropriate system to invoke in each circumstance.
-Forward and backward chaining.
The Pega business rules platform is built on open standards and easily integrates with your existing IT infrastructure. Built for enterprise scalability, the Pega rules platform drives process applications in some of the world’s largest and most dynamic organizations.
In the traditional programming such as Java, .NET or C++ we use IF-ELSE-THEN or WHERE or WHILE to evaluate a property or data to make decisions. In PEGA we achieve it through Business Rules. Business Rules are set of policies and principles that are applied by an organization to conduct business.
Defining Business Rules in PRPC
PRPC provides functionalities to define business rule.
-Decision tree
-Decision table
-Map value
The Pega business rules platform delivers the most robust and flexible business rules support on the market, including:
-Process rules that automate all facets of workflow management.
-A wide range of decision rule types, including decision trees, decision tables, and decision maps.
-Declarative rules that compute values based on changes in other values.
-Data transformation rules that enable data to be passed across dissimilar IT systems.
-Integration rules that determine the appropriate system to invoke in each circumstance.
-Forward and backward chaining.
The Pega business rules platform is built on open standards and easily integrates with your existing IT infrastructure. Built for enterprise scalability, the Pega rules platform drives process applications in some of the world’s largest and most dynamic organizations.
In the traditional programming such as Java, .NET or C++ we use IF-ELSE-THEN or WHERE or WHILE to evaluate a property or data to make decisions. In PEGA we achieve it through Business Rules. Business Rules are set of policies and principles that are applied by an organization to conduct business.
Defining Business Rules in PRPC
PRPC provides functionalities to define business rule.
-Decision tree
-Decision table
-Map value
Decision Tree:
Decision tree is similar to IF-ELSE-THEN evaluation criteria we have in traditional programming. We can apply any number of criteria to evaluate the conditions. This works from Left to Right and Top to bottom. When a particular condition meet the evaluation process then it is stopped. If none of the conditions are meeting a default or other value then it return back to the calling function.
Decision Table:
Decision table are similar to our SQL Tables where we apply WHERE clause to put conditions. We can write more than one condition. The table returns number of rows that meet the specific criteria. Get Certified with Pega
Map Value:
As per PRPC rule book Map Value allows us to look at one or two properties over any number of conditions to return any number of results. Map values only support two properties which can be evaluated.
Business Rule can be defined using When functionality. When functionality can evaluate any number of conditions. It works in similar fashion as IF-THEN-ELSE. It returns either True or false after evaluation.
Business Rules Engine:
A business rules engine is a software system that executes one or more business rules in a runtime production environment. A business rules engine separates business logic from your mission-critical applications in order to gain agility and improve operational performance. To get the most benefit from this application architecture, you need a business rules engine that:
-Empowers business users to create and manage business rules with minimal involvement from IT staff.
-Supports sophisticated, powerful rules that can capture your business workflow and your policies and procedures in all their dynamic complexity.
-Integrates seamlessly with your existing IT assets and scales for enterprise-class performance.
Pegasystems is the acknowledged leader in enterprise business rules and business process management solutions. Pegasystems has long been an innovator in business rules logic and automated decisioning.
Pegasystems business rules engine puts business users firmly in charge of creating and managing business rules, for maximum agility. Usability features include:
-Intuitive HTML rule forms to easily configure and manage business rules.
-An MS Visio graphical front-end to link rules with applications.
-Built-in review and approval processes.
-A version-controlled rules inventory that supports the efficient reuse of existing rules.
-A secure audit trail for all rules changes.
-Automatic documentation generation.
The Pega business rules engine is unmatched in its support for a wide range of rule types, including:
-Process rules that automate workflow management.
-Decisioning rules of all types, including decision tables, decision trees, and decision maps.
-Declarative rules that compute values based on detected changes in other related values.
-Transformation rules that appropriately transform data as it passes across heterogeneous systems.
-Integration rules that determine the right system to invoke in each situation.
With the Pega business rules engine, distributed application nodes can share a common rules database, for optimum scalability. The system employs an open Java and XML architecture, and runs on any major operating system, in conjunction with any major application server. Some of the largest corporations in the world run enterprise-scale business transformation programs that utilize the Pega business rules engine.
Source: TekSlate