
Evoke Technologies
Last activity: 10 Jul 2023 11:24 EDT
How to connect database server using pega robot studio
Hi does anyone know how to connect to the database server using pega robot studio.I am getting this error while trying to connect the database server.
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Pegasystems Inc.
@YENDAPALLYMUKESHIf you look at the full exception in the log, it might provide a little more info. From what I can see it seems you have incorrect credentials. Can you test the connection from your Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator window? Also, what provider are you using?

Evoke Technologies
@ThomasSasnett I have used Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL server,also used OLE DB provider for Microsoft Directory services but i am getting the same issue after testing the connection and the credentials i have given are correct.

Pegasystems Inc.
@YENDAPALLYMUKESH If you open your "ODBC Data Source Administrator" window, are you able to setup your connection there? It is likely you are missing a driver or something as the Pega SQL components are really just wrappers for built-in Windows tools. You would still need any ODBC drivers installed to connect to your database. Windows has some built-in, but others require you to download a driver. If you cannot set it up in Windows natively, then you likely need to contact your DBA to get their assistance with connectivity. If you can set it up in Windows, then you should be able to select that data source from the Pega SQL component connection screen. If that is still not working, then I would suggest opening a support incident as someone would need to look at your machine with you.

Evoke Technologies
@ThomasSasnett May I know what are the drivers needed to be installed for connecting the database.

Pegasystems Inc.
@YENDAPALLYMUKESH This is probably a better question for your database admin. Windows generally requires ODBC drivers for connecting to some types of Databases. I know some even require their own software to be installed. Pega Robotics is just using that connection mechanism. Are you able to connect to your database in Windows under your ODBC Data Source Administrator window?

Evoke Technologies
@ThomasSasnett Yes i am able to connect to database in windows under ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Pegasystems Inc.
@YENDAPALLYMUKESH From your screenshot it looks like you have the query type incorrect. You should use the ODBC query component. Try that and let me know if that is working for you.