How to change background color for summery row in table..?
Hi Team,
I have mapped a data to the table through pagelist. Now there are some summery rows present in table. I need to present them in different background color. I need to change color for summary rows only.
I have tried using inline style when rule. Its working fine, but it's not recommended. I have tried changing color from Appskin for summery row's but it's not working.
I have defined a property as 'Product category' which gives product list. There is product category which is bundle of products (Which is expandable row/Summery row). Within bundle there are more products. So I need to change background color for bundle products only. So when product category = Bundle background color should be different (for examble : Grey).
Please help me to achieve this requirement.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from Pega Academy to Product; update capability tags***