
Knowledge Experts SA
Last activity: 18 Sep 2017 6:54 EDT
How can i flush all datapage instance without passing any parameter ?
If i have a data page "testPage" with two parameters (groupName, filtre). How can i flush all instances of my page from an activity without specifying the parameter values?
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Accepted Solution

You can write a java step and use the following method :
This deletes all the instances of the data page.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jrad, Good Morning!
>>> How can I flush all datapage instances without passing any parameter
assuming that we need to delete all the data pages initiated on clipboard without passing the data page name...
if it is - please find below attempt otherwise please ignore...
- as the OOTB activity Rule-Declare-Pages.FlushDeclarativePage is not final
- we could attempt to do a save-as of this activity in application ruleset calling in a loop
- with pre-requisite if page starts with "D_" || "Declare_" flush the page followed by Page-Remove for a double check.
- we could attempt to do a save-as of this activity in application ruleset calling in a loop
- could be wrong but again, the button 'clear data page' under load management tab may not remove thread level declare page.
- Page-Remove works
- removing all D_ or Declare_ without the exact page name would delete the required pages though it gets recreated on reference impacting performance.
>>>i have a data page "testPage" with two parameters (groupName, filtre). How can i flush all instances of my page from an activity without specifying the parameter values?
- Page-Remove (D_testPage) should delete all the result set (pxResults)
- or Pass D_testPage as parameter to OOTB Rule-Declare-Pages.FlushDeclarativePage.
Please share your thoughts/comments, Thank you!

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello Phani,
>>>i have a data page "testPage" with two parameters (groupName, filtre). How can i flush all instances of my page from an activity without specifying the parameter values?
- Page-Remove (D_testPage) should delete all the result set (pxResults)
- or Pass D_testPage as parameter to OOTB Rule-Declare-Pages.FlushDeclarativePage.
It would be correct if the page "D-testPage" didin't have parameters, but in this case(the page has parameters) we can use Page-Remove (D_testPage[groupName:"groupValue",filtre:"filterValue"]).
For my exemple in the clipboard we have:
- D_testPage[groupName:"test1",filtre:"true"]
- D_testPage[groupName:"test2",filtre:"false"]
- D_testPage[groupName:"test1"], ....etc
So, my question is how can i delete all D_testPage instances without passing parameters ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Pradeep patil

Knowledge Experts SA
Hello Phani,
Excuse me, but i didin't find the method " Call-Function".
Could you please guide me how can i use it?
Updated: 30 Aug 2015 6:55 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
the method 'Call-Function' is available from activity method. could you please mention your PRPC version...Thank you!
Edit: the screenshot posted earlier in the discussion referring to Call-Function method is from Pega 7.1.8

Knowledge Experts SA

Pegasystems Inc.
sorry Jrad. it seems... deleting/removing Data Page instance would happen only by passing parameters. but again, when we close and open the workobject the data page loaded at thread context will be cleared off.

This worked perfect for removing the page without using the params.. Thanks!!!!

Pegasystems Inc.
My understanding is datapage is designed to hide its instanciation and deleteion from the user of that datapage.
Could you tell us why do you need to remove datapages from the clipboard with an activity?
Accepted Solution

You can write a java step and use the following method :
This deletes all the instances of the data page.
Vaishali Kumari

Pegasystems Inc.
Is it a documented Engine API?
Where can I find the specification of the API?

Pegasystems Inc.
Its an undocumented Engine API.