
not applicable
Last activity: 29 Aug 2022 12:56 EDT
how to avoid Text overlapping in the Repeating grid layout when more no of columns are present
I have a repeating grid layout with around 14 columns, When data is entered, the text is getting overlapped between columns or sometimes the full text is not visible which is entered in the text box. text is getting distorted, text box sizes are automatically becoming smaller.
example :- there is a one date time property column, but only the first two digits are visible in the box, and content is not fit properly to show full date and time. the box size is reduced automatically. and only few letters are visible.
the Content fit in the text box columns is not fitting properly.
How to get a good table with sufficient width between columns and show the data inside the text boxes fully, with no overlapping or reducing box sizes automatically.
what settings should be applied. could anyone provide inputs.