
Last activity: 2 Dec 2024 20:36 EST
how to access data base directly , if using Pega trial cloud instance
Hi All,
I want to do poc in Pega trial cloud instance but i am not sure how to access DB and manually create RDB tables or run scripts in DB viewer . Please guide me.
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***
Goud Janga -
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Maantic Inc
DB access is mot possible in the Pega trial cloud instance. You can update column lengths, query on tables and create new new columns on existing tables. As an alternative, you can create new tables by running Connect-SQLs from RDB methods.

Pegasystems Inc.
DB Access is not permitted for the developers.
Please get in touch with the Pega Cloud team by creating a CC ticket and documenting the details.

@RameshSangili and @SohamM95 I am asking about pega cloud trial version that we practice in Pega site, so if in case i want to use stored procs or anything that requires RDB queries which needs to be done manually how can we do it

Maantic Inc
Its not possible to do in the trial environment. You can atmost provide the queries to Pega Cloud team for them to run. But I doubt its possible for trial instances.
Updated: 26 Nov 2024 7:54 EST

Tata Consultancy Services
You have the only view data access from the Pega Query Runner, but you can't create the tables through the Pega Trail Cloud Instance.
Even If you are using the Enterprise Pega Cloud, you don't have access to create the tables. You have to raise the CC Request, and you have to provide the query for the DB team.
I hope this will help you.
@MattE Do you have any thoughts? Please help on this.

@Bhumireddy is it so, then if i want to check the columns or their data types or look at data in table or filter results its not possible ?
Updated: 2 Dec 2024 20:36 EST

Tata Consultancy Services
Yes it possible, you can check by three ways
Creating database tables and Database tables
You need the PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministrator role to access
1. Query Runner and
Click Configure --> System --> Database --> Query Runner
For Query Runnver you have to execute respective query in the Query Runner.
2. Modify Schema
Click Configure --> System --> Database --> Modify Schema.
3. Schema Tools and --> Configure --> System --> Database --> Schema tools
Schema Tools lets you perform advanced database tuning and maintenance tasks including viewing the tables, columns, indexes, and views in the PegaRULES and PegaDATA database schemas, increasing the size of text columns, adding and deleting indexes, updating database statistics for a table, and defragmenting a table.
I hope this will help you.
Yes it possible, you can check by three ways
Creating database tables and Database tables
You need the PegaRULES:DatabaseAdministrator role to access
1. Query Runner and
Click Configure --> System --> Database --> Query Runner
For Query Runnver you have to execute respective query in the Query Runner.
2. Modify Schema
Click Configure --> System --> Database --> Modify Schema.
3. Schema Tools and --> Configure --> System --> Database --> Schema tools
Schema Tools lets you perform advanced database tuning and maintenance tasks including viewing the tables, columns, indexes, and views in the PegaRULES and PegaDATA database schemas, increasing the size of text columns, adding and deleting indexes, updating database statistics for a table, and defragmenting a table.
I hope this will help you.