
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 11 May 2018 12:09 EDT
Help mapping this XML to PRPC properties.....
Can anybody advise how to build a PARSE-XML, PRPC Data Model and SECTION to display the data in a Tree View ?
Any help with any bits of this appreciated !
I have some XML which is generated by the following Linux Command:
tree -XD
If I run this against a filesystem which has this structure for instance:
├── a
│ ├── another_file.txt
│ ├── b
│ └── c
│ └── leaf.txt
├── goodbye.txt
└── hello.txt
It returns the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<directory name=".">
<directory name="a" time="Mar 29 14:18">
<file name="another_file.txt" time="Mar 29 14:18"></file>
<directory name="b" time="Mar 29 14:18">
<directory name="c" time="Mar 29 14:18">
<file name="leaf.txt" time="Mar 29 14:18"></file>
<file name="goodbye.txt" time="Mar 29 14:18"></file>
<file name="hello.txt" time="Mar 29 14:18"></file>