Help in Creating Robust SOAP Services
This is a simple requirement and I have to come here for help because of lack of hands on experience in Integrations.
One of our requirement is to create a Service for our application so that cases can be initiated through other Applications as well. The Service will create a case with basic details populated and wil be assigned to an operator id. The service will return the case id back as response.
with materials I tried to do this with SOAP service wizard, I got the WSDL and also when tried to import the WSDL, found that there are classes created with some random numbers too. I know I am doing something wrong but not sure what it is.
Reference Needed :
If some one can guide or share better document that explains SOAP services in Pega 7, I can take it from there and if any issues will report back for help here.
Question :
If SOAP service creation through Wizard is the better way, how will we do the same for QA and Prod regions? I mean the wizard will generate the WSDL, so do we have to run the wizard in other regions as well? This is something not clear to me as well ....
What is the best way to handle all possible exceptions in service creations?
Arvind B
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