Getting 'The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe' in excel report -'MSOGenerateExcel'
Hi All,
We have requirement to generate an attached excel report. We used MSOGenerateExcelFile OOTB and the source is a data page. But after generating the report we are getting 'The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe' issue when we have a integer in the cell. We tried changing the source property type from integer to text but faced the same issue. Generally we get this issue in excel when we declare a cell as text and if we enter a integer value in it. We have a temporary solution to disappear the green warning ie; File-->Options-->Formulas-->Uncheck enable background error check(attached screenshot).
We tried using 'pxGenerateExcelFile' and we got solution for this issue when the source property type is integer in pega. But we got below few other issues.
1. It seems pxGenerateExcelFile doesn't support multi row heading(you can see it in the screenshot).
2. When the source property type is an integer and null in Pega it displaying default value as '0' which is not required in our case.
3. If we have source property type as text we faced same number format issue.
So can someone please suggest how to remove the number format warning with 'MSOGenerateExcelFile' OOTB without unchecking the error check box option. It should not display any Pega default value when it is null.